Absentee Voting

Drawing of Envelope


You must be a registered voter to request an absentee ballot.  Visit the myvote.wi.gov site above for more information on how to register online and apply for an absentee ballot online.  Even though you may apply online, you must still provide proof of registration with your voter registration and photo ID with your absentee ballot request.  

Request by Mail
Download the Absentee Ballot Request Form (EL-121).  Complete the form and mail it to your municipal clerk's office at:
Omro City Hall
Clerk's Office
205 S. Webster Avenue
Omro, WI 54963.

The application must be received by the clerk no later than 5:00 PM on the Thursday before the election in order for an absentee ballot to be mailed to you.  

In-Person at your Municipal Clerk's Office
In office absentee voting starts officially at 8:00 AM on the third Tuesday prior to the election and ends at 5:00 PM on the Friday before the election.  Please check with your municipal clerk for regular office hours.  920-685-7000

When voting in office you do not need to fill out a form requesting the absentee ballot as the Clerk will compete your application request in the state wide voter system prior to issuing you an absentee ballot.  If you want the ballot mailed to you a form requesting the ballot must be submitted to the clerk's office.  No absentee ballots may be taken from the clerk's office.


Deadline for Returning Ballot

The completed ballot must be received in office or at the polls by 8:00 PM on election day in order for your ballot to be counted.